The Details

  • Towns currently playing in the 2025 GBYRHL:

    South Boston



    West Roxbury





    We are open to teams at any age division from any town

  • Rink Locations

    Allston ‘Wille O’Ree Rink’, Smith Field (225 Western Avenue, Allston, MA)

    South Boston Moakley Park ‘Jack O’Brien Rink’ (1187 Columbia Rd, South Boston, MA) Dorchester Garvey Playground ‘O’Sullivan Rink’ (340 Neponset Ave, Dorchester. MA) Roslindale ‘Fallon Field Rink’ (910 South St, Roslindale, MA)

    Charlestown Ryan Playground Rink (75 Alford St, Charlestown, MA)

    Milton Kelly Field Skip Lapworth Rink (250 Brook Rd, Milton, MA)

  • Games times at HOME TEAM rinks:

    8am for all U8 AGE DIVISION Games

    9am for all U10 AGE DIVISION Games

    10am for all U12 AGE DIVISION Games

    11am for all U14 AGE DIVISION Games

    *these are subject to change from week to week

  • Equipment:

    Required: helmet and protective face mask, gloves, elbow pads, shin guards, roller skates, street/roller hockey stick

    Recommended: Hockey pants/hip pads, mouth-piece, athletic cup protector

  • Games Info:

    Games will be 4 v 4, 48 minutes in length (two halves of 24 minutes running time each half) with a two-minute half-time break.

    Games ending in a tie will immediately go into a 3 v 3 sudden-winner OT for 3 minutes. If tied after OT, there will be a 3-player shoot-out.

    Penalties will be 1 minute in length (minors), and major penalties will be 3 minutes in length.

    If any player has 3 penalties in any one game, he will be ejected from the game.

    Major penalties will be under review for play in the remainder of that game and future games.

    There is NO CHECKING. Swearing, obscene language, vulgarity, and poor behavior will not be tolerated.

    Immediate removal from that game and potential removal from future games.

    Change of goalies at half-time must happen from the bench during 1st half, not during half-time break in play.

    Games will start on the hour and end at the 50 minute of each scheduled hour, with 10 minutes between games.

  • Contact Info

    Questions: Contact Larry Rooney at llrooney6@GMAIL.COM or (617) 620-0367